26th December 1958 SS
VILLAGE CLUB PARTY.—The first of the season’s parties was held in the Village Club, when the committee invited all members and a guest to the annual party. Also included was the Young People’s Social Club. A film show was put on by Mr. Leyton (Area Organiser). Games were under the direction of Mr. Ivor Davies, and Ken Harrison’s Dance Band provided music. The finals of the season’s tournaments were played off. The Vicar, the Rev. G.F. Greenup, presented the awards. Winners were.—Billiards: 1, Jack Cheadle; 2, L. Myott. Snooker: 1, Peter Large; 2, Phillip Warhurst. Cribbage: 1, J. Owen; 2, Ivor Davies. Dominoes: 1, B. Robson; 2, Eric Myott. Competitions were won by Mr. Frank Warhurst and Mr. Jack Cheadle. Refreshments were served by the ladies of the committee.
FOR THEIR PARTY.—A fur and feather whist drive was held in the village club, Sandon, on Friday, organised by the Parent-Teachers’ Association in aid of funds for the children’s party. Winners were Mrs. F. Warhurst, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Knobbs, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Illidge, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Haynes, Mr. T. Clarke, Mr. Leese, Mr. A. Shepherd, Mr. Souch, Mr. Hine, Mr. Baker and Mrs. F. Middleton. Stewards were Mr. Sargent and Mr. C. Walsh. M.C. was Mr. P. Holford.
A FUR AND FEATHER whist drive held in the Village Club in aid of funds for All Saints’ Church. The M.C. was Mr. Peter Holford and the prizes were presented by the Vicar, the Rev. G.F. Greenup. Winners were: Premier prize, Miss O. Bennett. Ladies: 1, Mrs. D. Hall; 2, Mrs. P. Holford; 3, Mrs. Hughes; 4, Mrs. J. Haynes; 5, Mrs. F. Middleton; 6, Mrs. Hampson; 7, Mr. H. Mountford. Consolation, Mrs. Charlesworth. Miniature, Mrs. Moore. Gentlemen: 1, Mr. Hampson; 2, Mr. Hulme; 3, Mrs. F. Warhurst, 4, Mr. Peake; 5, Mr. Souch; 6, Mr. J.L. Bailey; 7, Mrs. Suthern. Consolation, Mr. F. Cloke. Miniature, Mr. Jacks.
SCHOOL PARTY.—Prior to the closing for Christmas the parernts of the pupils ot the Sandon Parochial School were invited to an open day, when the children gave recitations and performed plays. Last Wednesday the children had their party and also a gift each from Father Christmas. The Vicar, the Rev. G.F. Greenup, was present and thanked Miss E. Watson (Head) and Mrs. Phillips (assistant) for their joint work in this effort.
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