19th April 1958 SN
Year of Good Progress at Sandon Church
A year of favourable progress was reported by the Vicar of Sandon (the Rev. G.F. Greenup) at the annual church meeting held in Sandon Parish Room on Thursday. He said that work on the Lady Chapel was going forward satisfactorily and the date of dedication would be announced later in the year.
The vicar thanked both the Churchwardens, Mr. W.H. Sargeant, Vicar’s Warden (who was unavoidably absent) and Mr. R.W. Lindopaa, People’s Warden, for their work during the past twelve months.
He nominated Mr. H.W. Sargeant, to be his Warden for the coming year. Proposed by Mr. J. Harris and seconded by Dr. H.T.D. Bocking. Mr. R.W. Lindop was again elected People’s Warden. The sidesmen were re-elected en bloc with the additon of Mr. J. Harris. Dr. Bocking was appointed lay representative to the Lichfield Diocesan Conference and the two Church Wardens were elected representatives to the Ruri-Decanal and Archidiaconal Conferences. The revision of the Electoral Roll was discussed.
Miss S. Jerrett, Secretary of the Parochial Church Council, gave her report of the church activities for the past year, making particular mention of the garden fete held in Sandon Hall gardens in June, a whist drive and a dance, all very successful events. A vote of thanks was accorded to Miss S. Jerrett, proposed by Dr. Bocking.
Mr. J. Harris, the Treasurer of the Church Account, gave his report on the various funds, which showed a healthy financial balance. Colonel A. Jerrett moved the adoption of the accounts and thanked Mr. Harris for a very excellent report.
The Parochial Church Council members were re-elected en bloc, with the addition of Mr. S. Kent. The Church Wardens being ex-officio members, the other members are Dr. and Mrs. Bocking, Colonel A. Jerrett, Mrs. H.W. Sargeant, Miss May Wright, Mrs. D. Grindley, Mrs. T. Foster, Mr. A Shepherd, Mr. G. Martin, Mr. J. Furber, Mr. P. Holford, Mr. R. Dewberry, Mr. T. Foster, Mr. K. Bostock, Mr. C.C. Welsh and Mr. J. Harris.
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