4th July 1914 SA
Outings.—The combined St. Michael’s and Christ Church branches of the Girls’ Friendly Society held their annual festival at Sandon on Saturday afternoon, about 60 members and associates, including the Rev. J.S. and Mrs. Caiger and Mrs. W.C. Stubbs (branch secretary), taking part in it. The party attended service at Sandon Church, the Rev. J.S. Caiger giving the address. Tea was provided in the Parish Room, after which Mrs. Caiger distributed cards for faithfully service and bonuses. Then, by kind permission of the Countess of Harrowby, the party were taken through the grounds and gardens of the Hall. The remainder of the evening was filled up with games in the Park.—The juvenile Lodge is connection with the Earl Granville Lodge, M.U., went to Milford on Saturday afternoon by brakes for their annual treat, the party numbering about 100. During the afternoon the committee presented a Unity medal to Mr. John Frost in recognition of his services as secretary of the juvenile Lodge.—On Monday the senior scholars of Christ Church Schools, in charge of the Head-master (Mr. M. Hughes) and his staff had their annual outing to Rhyl. The party numbered 76.