2nd January 1943 SA
A whist drive for the benefit of club funds was held on Boxing night. Mr. W. Johnson was M.C. and Viscountess Sandon, who took the opportunity of wishing all present and happy and victorious new year, presented the prizes. The hon. secretary (Mr. J. Cadman), thanked all who had given prizes and helped to make the event successful.
The funeral of Mrs. Gilbert of the post office took place on Saturday at Sandon Church. The Rev. J. Davies officiated and Mr. Bridgeman was the organist. The family mourners were Mrs. Wheeler, (daughter), Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler (son-in-law and daughter), Mrs. Stevens (sister), Miss G. Stevens and Miss S. Mead (granddaughters). Others present at the service were the Countess of Harrowby, Mrs. Lovekin, Mrs. Sharpe, Mrs. Merricks, Miss. M. Fenton, Miss Johnson, and Mrs and Miss Halfpenny. There were many floral tributes.
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