29th October 1949 SA
British Legion.—The annual meeting of the branch was held in the Village Club on Monday. The chairman, Mr. John Challinor, who presided, reviewed the activities of the branch during the past year, and made special reference to the success of the summer fete and flower show and the growing membership, which was now well over 100. The Hon. Dudley Ryder was re-elected president, with Viscount Sandon and Mr. B. Adams as vice-president. Mr. John Challinor agreed to serve as chairman for a further period, and Mr. E.C. Cheers was appointed vice-chairman. The secretary and treasurer Mr. R. Dewberry and Mr. Reg Lindop, respectively, were re-elected. Their [sic] jointly presented the annual financial statement of accounts which was very favourable. The general committee were re-elected en bloc with the addition of several active members. The Benevolent Committee were re-elected, and a sub-committee appointed to complete arrangements for the annual dinner to be held on November 5 at the Dog and Doublet Hotel, Sandon. Members were invited to attend church parade and a memorial service on Sunday, November 6, at All Saints’ Church, Sandon. The service will be taken by the Vicar (the Rev. B. Buckland). Thanks were expressed to all officers and committees who had worked so well during the past year.
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