29th February 1936
Village Club.—At a whist drive and dance, held in the Village Club in aid of club funds, the following gained prizes;—Ladies . 1. Miss. F. Haslehurst; 2, Miss Bentley; 3, Miss Cheadle. Gentlemen, 1, Mr. F. Middleton; 2, Mr. L.S. Jerrams; 3, Miss O. Bennett. Mrs. Charlesworth distributed the prizes. Mr. J. Cadman and Mr. F. Mills were M.C.s for whist, and the Rev. J.D. Charlesworth and Mr. Hibberd for the dance. Mr. H. Harvey’s band supplied the music. Mrs. Green was in charge of the refreshments.
Cricket Club.—The annual dinner was held at the Dog and Doublet, on Friday, when 32 members and friends sat down to an excellent dinner, provided by Mrs. Large. Dr. R. V. Lloyd-Williams presided. The Rev. C.E. Armitage proposed “The Sandon Cricket Club,” and Mr. T. Knowles (captain) responded, saying the club had enjoyed a successful season both from a playing and financial point of view. Mr. S. Jenkins (hon. treasurer) submitted “The President” (the Earl of Harrowby) and Vice-presidents,” for whom Mr. Johnson and Mr. Berrisford replied. Mr. C. Boulton gave the “Old Brigade,” to which Mr. J. Cadman responded, and Mr. P. Holford the artists, for whom Mr. S. Smith replied. “The Chairman,” who was accorded musical honours, was given by the Rev. J.D. Charlesworth. The Hon. Secretary (Mr. F. Mills) gave a brief account of the season’s work.
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