27th May 1911 SA
As previously announced in the Staffordshire Advertiser, the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth and Federal Members, Premiers of the Australian States, and members of the Australian Parliaments, who are visiting England for the Imperial Conference, will be the guests of the Earl and Countess of Harrowby at Sandon Park for the week-end at Whitsuntide. The house-party will include the following: Lord and Lady Harrowby, Viscount Sandon, Lady Frances Ryder, The Earl and Countess of Dartmouth, Viscount and Viscountess Middleton, Lady Margaret Ryder, the Hon. A.D. Ryder and Mrs. Ryder, Sir George Reid, K.C.M.G., K.C., High Commissioner for Australia, and Lady Reid, George Lloyd, Esq., M.P., the Hon. Andrew Fisher, Prime Minister of Australia, and Mrs. Fisher, the Hon. E.L. Batchelor, Minister for External Affairs, and Miss Batchelor, Senator the Hon. G.F. Pearce, Minister of Defence, the Hon. J. Murray, Premier of Victoria, and Miss Murray; the Hon. F. Wilson, Premier of Western Australia, and Miss Wilson; the Hon. Sir Elliott Lewis, Premier of Tasmania; the Hon. G.W. Fuller, member of the House of Representatives and Minister for Home Affairs in the Commonwealth, 1909-10; the Hon. W.L. Bailleau, Minister of Public Works and Health for Victoria; Geoffrey E. Fairfax, Esq., Atlee A. Hunt, Esq., C.M.G., and M. L. Shepherd, Esq.
The Colonial Visitors, as at present arranged, will leave Euston at 10.37 a.m. on Saturday next, June 3, and will arrive in Stafford at 11 p.m. They will be received at the London and North Western Railway Station by their hosts, Lord and Lady Harrowby, and by the Mayor and Corporation and borough justices. The Mayor will extend an official welcome to the distinguished visitors, and it is expected that the Hon. A. Fisher will reply on their behalf. The party will motor via Newport road and main street to Sandon Hall, and it is hoped that the inhabitants will make an appropriate display of flags, &c. After partaking of lunch, a deputation from the Working Men’s Empire League will wait upon the Colonial guests, who later in the afternoon will be driven round the Sandon Estate and inspect the small holdings which Lord Harrowby has provided. Invitations to dinner at Sandon Hall on Saturday have been issued to the following:--The Mayor of Stoke-on-Trent (Major Cecil Wedgwood, D.S.O.), the Deputy-Mayor (Ald. F. Geen), the Mayor of Stafford (Ald. T. Westhead), the Mayor of Lichfield (Mr. Godfrey R. Benson), the Mayor of Newcastle-under-Lyme (Mr. R.C. Trigger), the Town Clerk of Stoke-on-Trent (Mr. E>B. Sharpley), the Chairman of Stone Rural District Council (Mr. Henry Toon), the Chairman of Stone Urban District Council (Mr. G.B. Haddon), the President of the North Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce (Mr. H. Boddington), the Chairman of the Staffordshire Potteries Manufacturers’ Association (Mr. H.J. Johnson), the Chairman of the English China Manufacturers’ Association (Mr. F.H. Heath), the President of the North Staffordshire Trades and Labour Council (Mr. Harper Parker), and Mr. J. Lovall (operatives’ secretary of the Staffordshire China and Earthenware Manufacturers’ and Operatives’ Conciliation Board).
On Sunday, Lord Harrowby’s guests will attend Divine service at Sandon Church to 11 a.m., and afterwards proceed to Beaudesert Hall to lunch at 1.30 p.m. with the Marquis of Anglesey. At four o’clock service at Lichfield Cathedral will be attended, and the guests will take tea with the Bishop of Lichfield (Dr. Legge) at 5 p.m.
On Whit Monday, after being photographed in the morning, the party will visit Stoke-on-Trent. The arrangements are as follow:—10.30 a.m., special train leaves Sandon. 11 a.m., the Earl of Harrowby and his guests arrive at Stoke Station. They will be met on the platform by the Mayor (Major Cecil Wedgwood, D.S.O.) and the Mayoress, the Deputy-Mayor (Ald. F. Geen) and Miss Geen, the Town Clerk (Mr. E.B. Sharpley) and Mrs. Sharpley. The local Territorial Forces will provide a guard-of-honour. An address of welcome will be presented by the Mayor. At 11.10 the party will divide into three sections and proceed to different parts of the borough, as under:—
No. 1 (under the guidance of the Town Clerk).—11.30 to 12.15, inspect the works and showrooms of Doulton and Company, Limited, at Burslem,.
12.30 to 1.—inspect the Burslem School of Art and Wedgwood Institute.
No. 2 (under the guidance of the Mayor) 11.30-12.15, inspect the iron and steel works of the Shelton Iron, Steel, and Coal Company, Ltd.;
12.30-1, inspect the Etruria Works of Josiah Wedgwood and Sons, Limited.
No. 3 (under the guidance of Ald. Geen).—11.20-12 inspect the tileworks of Minton, Hollins, and Co.; 12.15-1, inspect the works of Johnson Brothers (Hanley), Limited.
At 1.30 the visitors will lunch with the Mayor and Mayoress at the Stoke Town Hall, and immediately afterwards the whole party wil proceed to the Longton Park, where there will be an exhibition of manufactured pottery. A large number of prominent firms have already taken stands, and the exhibition promises to be a very interesting one. Some 700 boys of the Church Lads’ Brigade (under Mr. Marshall Stocker) and Boy Scouts (under Scoutmaster Dr. Hopwood) will form a guard-of-honour. The visitors will also have an opportunity of witnessing the aviation display in connection with the park fetes, it being promised that one of the French pilots will make an ascent, if possible, whilst the Australian Premiers are in the park. The visitors will leave again at 3.15, driving to Trentham Station, where the special train will be in waiting to take them back to Sandon. Invitations to meet the Premiers at dinner in the evening have been accepted by, amongst others, the Earl of Lichfield, Lord Hatherton, C.M.G., Sir Reginald Hardy, Bart., Sir Richard Cooper, Bart., Mr. Beville Stanier, M.P., Col. F.R. Twenlow, D.S.O., Col. J.H. Wilkinson, Mr. J. Wilcox Edge, Mr. G. Macpherson, Mr. J.F.W. Binns, and Mr. Eustace Joy (Clerk to the County Council).
On Tuesday the majority of the Colonial guests will leave Sandon by the 10 a.m. train for Euston.