24th April 1948 SA
Death of Mr. W. Hollins.—The Death has occurred at Burston of Mr. W. Hollins, who had been secretary of the Earl of Harrowby Lodge of Oddfellows for 48 years, and secretary of the Countess of Harrowby Lodge since its formation in 1912. In his younger days, Mr. Hollins was a playing member of the Sandon cricket and footballs clubs. The funeral took place at Sandon Church on Saturday, the Vicar (the Rev. W.B. Buckland) officiating. Mr. Bridgeman was the organist. The family mourners were the widow, Mr. W. Hollins (son), Mr. and Mrs. F. Whitticker (son-in-law and daughter) and Mrs. Falkner and Mrs. Davis (daughters). The Stafford district was represented by Messrs. W.B. Burd, J. Ashton, G.G. Bagot, F. Parker, H. Gage, S. Clews, and A. Harris. The deceased lodge was represented by the trustees and other officers and members of both lodges.
Cricket Club.—At the annual meeting of the Sandon Cricket Club, Mr. T.W. Knowles (chairman) presiding. Mr. Peter Holford (hon. sec.) reported on the club’s successful season in 1947 when 14 matches were won, four lost and four drawn, with an aggregate of 2,249 runs against their opponents 1559. C.P.E. Holford carried off batting honours with 874 runs, an average of 67.00. Since Christmas a series of lectures on the technique of the game had been held for the benefit of the young members, and it was intended this season to field a second XI on suitable occasions. First XI fixtures this season include a visit on Whit-Tuesday to Viscount Sandon’s Cotswold seat at Norton to play against the Estate XI. It was hoped to organise a large party from Sandon to make the journey. A pleasing ceremony during the evening was the presentation of a pipe and pouch to Mr. L.S. Jerrams, an old playing member, in recognition of his services as umpire in which capacity he hopes to continue. Officers were elected as follow: President, Earl of Harrowby; vice-presidents, re-elected, with the addition of Rev. W.B. Buckland and Mr. Wilson; captain, Mr. W. Cheadle; vice-captain, Mr. C.P.E. Holford; hon. sec. and treasurer, Mr. Peter Holford, assistant, Mr. J.D. Foster, hon. auditor, Mr. James Cadman. Thanks were expressed to the ladies’ tea committee for their services.
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