23rd August 1924 SA
The Rhodesian Boy Scouts, who are staying at Sandon Hall as the guests of the Earl and Countess of Harrowby, paid a visit to the Potteries on Monday in charge of Capt. E.F. Carter. In the morning they inspected the Highgate Tile Works of Messrs. H. and P. Johnson, Ltd., being conducted over the factory in five parties by Messrs. H. Strut, B. Smith, W.S. Machin, W.H. Bossons, and A.H. Willis, who explained the various processes of manufacture. The troop was subsequently entertained to dinner by the firm at the Mecca Café, where speeches of welcome were made by Mr. H. Strut, Mr. Arthur Cotton, and Mr. J. Adams, Capt. Carter expressing the troops’ thanks to Messrs. Johnson. In the afternoon the scouts paid a visit to Messrs. Doulton and Co.’s works at Burslem, where they were shown over the factory by Messrs. S.T. Cartlidge and J. Bentley. After a stay of an hour and a half, the scouts had tea at Swinnerton’s Café, and then left for Sandon.
On Tuesday the scouts went to Stafford,, where they visited the factory of Lotus, Ltd., and the English Electric Co.’s works. After the inspection of the Lotus factory, the party were entertained to lunch with the junior members of the staff in Brook Hall, Mr. F.H. Bostock (managing director) and Mr. Dudley Bostock being present.
Capt. E.F. Carter, after the lunch, thanked the management and staff for their kindness. Mr. F.H. Bostock, responding, said it had been a great pleasure to entertain their guests, more especially as they were Rhodesians.
Before going round Siemens’ works, where they were received by Councillor F. E. Read (welfare superintendent), in the unavoidable absence of the general manager, the scouts visited St. Chad’s Church. On Wednesday, the party were entertained to tea at the Sandon Village Club by the members, the Vicar (the Rev. W.F.O’N. Fisher) being present. The arrangements for the tea were made by Mrs. Lever, jun., assisted by Mrs. Lever, sen., Mrs. and Miss Walker, and the Misses Wright. Owing to the wet weather, a cricket match arranged for the afternoon had to be postponed until the evening.
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