18th January 1947 SA
W.I. Film Show.—At the conclusion of the annual meeting of the Sandon branch of the Women’s Institute, held in the Parish Rooms on Wednesday evening, a L.M.S. cinema unit showed films of Scotland and Ireland. Natural history films and comedies were also shown. The Countess of Harrowby, president of the branch, attended the meeting. The operators were thanked by Mrs. T. Foster. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Merrick and Mrs. Haynes.
Village Club Officials.—The Earl of Harrowby, president of the Sandon Village Club, presided at the annual meeting held at the club premises on Monday evening. Vacancies for the positions of secretary and treasurer were created by the resignation of Mr. E.W. Ward, who has combined the duties of both offices for the past 12 months. Mr. P. Holford was elected secretary, and Mr. J. Cheadle treasurer. The club showed a profit of £18 on the year’s working, the present balance being £142.
Parochial Church Council.—The Earl and Countess of Harrowby were present at a special meeting of the Sandon Parochial Council held at the Parish Room on Monday evening, the Vicar (the Rev. J.D. Charlesworth) presiding. The meeting was called to discuss further means of raising money for the organ and lighting fund for the Parish Church. Over £114 has been raised to date, and it was decided to hold a garden fete in Sandon Park on Whit-Monday. By kind permission of Lord Harrowby the Hall gardens will be opened to the public for the occasion. Lady Harrowby commented on the wonderful show of azalias [sic] usually to be seen in the gardens at that time.
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