13th February 1926 SA
Club Anniversary.—The members of Sandon Village Club, with friends, celebrated the 21st anniversary of the club on 5th inst., when a whist drive, followed by a dance, was held in the Gymnasium. The prizes were presented by Mr. H. Bentley, and in replying to a vote of thanks he recalled that their club was opened by the late Mr. Kitchener, first chairman of the Staffordshire Education Committee. It was built and furnished by Lord Harrowby at a cost of £2,000, and presented to the village at a nominal rent. One would travel many miles up and down the country and not find a village of this si[z]e with such accommodation as they had there. The club had done good work in the past, and that gathering showed it was doing good work now. Mr. Bentley afterwards presented Mr. W. Middleton, treasurer of the club, with a handsome case of pipes as a slight acknowledgement of his services. Mr. E. Rollitt acted as M.C. for the whist, and the winner were:—Ladies: 1. Mrs. Ransford; 2, Miss Wright; 3, Miss Ford; 4, Miss Coles. Gentlemen: 1, Mr. J. Tansley; 2. Mr. T. Emery; 3, Mr. Farmer.
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