11th August 1967 SS
CHURCH WORKER.—The Earl of Harrowby was among the mourners at the funeral at All Saints’ Church, Sandon, last week of Mrs. A. Rollitt, of Lichfield-road, Sandon, a keen church worker, and a member of the Mothers’ Union. She had been ill at the home of her son, Mr. E. Rollitt, of Eccleshall, for some weeks. Recently she was visited by her only daughter, Jean, who now lives in San Francisco. The funeral service was conducted by the Vicar (the Rev. G.F. Greenup). Among the mourners were Mr. and Mrs. Rollitt, Mrs. P.A. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Bagshawe, MR. and Mrs. Reg. Johnson, Mr. A. Shepherd, Mr. R.W. Lindop, Mr. P Holford, Mr. and Mrs. Sargent, Mrs. Greenup, Mrs. Bocking, Mrs. F. Middleton, Mrs. C. Powner, Mrs. C. Bentley, Mrs. J. Phillips, Miss. K. Bentley, Mrs and Miss S. Myatt, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Berrisford, and Mrs. Merricks.
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